Category Archives: Outdoors

On with the Toe Shoes


V and I went hiking at Crowders Mountain and I got to test out my Vibrams!

I have the KSO which means keeps stuff out!  It did indeed keep stuff out.  They are super comfy and it really feels like you are barefoot with a bit of protection on the bottom, of course.  I could also feel more of my muscles working to stabilize my balance.  It was very liberating to wear these, but it may have been a mistake…..

We took the Pinnacle Trail which was labeled strenuous.  It started off as a piece of cake.  V and I were like “really, this is child’s play!”

We stopped to goof off at some rocks.

I felt really comfortable climbing rocks in my Vibrams.  We also had to climb over rocks to get to the summit, but that’s later.

We trekked on following the orange circles….

Don't forget water!

The Vibrams allowed me to experience all the different textures this trail had to offer.  You can feel the rocks, but they have a soft touch.  The dirt you see above felt good to my feet and we came across parts that had a lot of little pebbles, which felt kind of like a mini-massage.  We also walked across rocky paths like this one.

After a while, things got steep quick.

We were panting and eating our previous words….if only it was actually cake that we were eating.

Eventually we made it to the top with some amazing views.  The highest point in Gaston County at 1,705 feet.

V called out to the birds.

Everything from here was literally downhill.  My feet were killing me at this point from walking over rocky surfaces and the bottom of my feet felt like they had been bruised, which is an odd thing to say, but that is the only way I can describe it.

Did I listen to the pamphlet that came with shoes that states that you should get used to your shoes first before going long distances all at one time?

NO, I didn’t.

We only hiked 3.4 miles.  My feet were screaming BLOODY MURDER by the time we made it back to the car.  My feet weren’t actually bleeding, just really sore.

Back in the car with some much-needed elevation for my feet and a snack for my belly.

These are some of my favorite snacks:  Coconut Water with a splash of Passion Fruit, PB Chocolate Chip Larabar, and the new Cliff Fruit and Nut bar (apple-cinn).  I chose the Coconut Water because I wasn’t that hungry at the moment.

I love the Coconut Water because it is a natural source of electrolytes and potassium.  Unlike coconut milk that is high in fat, coconut water has no fat because it comes from the young green coconut before coconut meat forms (source).

I love the Larabars because of the short ingredient list made with real food and they taste amazing.  I am dying to try the Cookie Dough Larabar.  I haven’t been able to find it in any stores around here.

I love the Cliff Fruit and Nut bars because they taste good too, obviously, but 70%t of their ingredients are organic and the ingredient list is relatively short and recognizable.  I’m not a big fan of their other bars though because they just don’t taste that great to me.

So there you go! Go get some nutritious and filling snacks and remember – take it easy in those Vibrams.

Anyone have any experiences with hiking in their Vibrams?